24 Feb 2014

How to Keep Plunger Pumps in Good Condition?

Any professional will tell you that the best way to keep your appliances and special implements in good condition is to regularly check it. Maintenance is an important part of keeping any household or building in tip-top shape, and part of doing maintenance is knowing how individual parts work. This way, if anything goes wrong (whether in your home or in your place of work), you can do an initial diagnosis and fix the part yourself.  Or you can call a professional to do it. Either way, you’ll be saving a lot of time and money.

An example of how this would work to your advantage is in relation to your plunger pumps. Plunger pumps are used not just in homes, but in schools, hospitals, treatment facilities and the like. A plunger pump consists of a tube or pipe wherein a cylindrical plunger is used to slide through the seal. In this process, it forces liquid from the suction side to the discharge side of the pump. Because of the motion of a plunger pump, they can break up potential blockages.

Plunger pumps should be cared for well to prolong their usage. They are necessary, but specialized, so they are expensive. For one, if the pump will be used in a humid condition or even in a dirty ares, it is recommended that it be enclosed to avoid foreign matter from getting into its parts. It is not recommended that it be stored in an area that has a very high temperature; plunger pumps should have proper ventilation.

Over time, a worn pump nozzle may result in loss of pressure. When this happens, it is imperative that the nozzle be changed. Any change in the pressure in the device may cause it to be less efficient. In addition, some liquids may require a flush between operations or storage. When in doubt, contact your plunger pump supplier to be 100% sure if this is necessary.

If your plunger pump needs to be stored, all liquid should be drained. In cold weather, it may freeze and damage the pump. Spray it with an antifreeze solution to prevent any damage. Excessive heat may also result in damages to the pressure pump.

Be sure to have a reliable pressure gauge installed near the discharge outlet of your pump. As a final word of caution, be sure that your pump is mounted on a horizontal surface that is able to permit drainage. Any other surface and this will cause your plunger pump base to get worn out faster, requiring you to change it.
Plunger pumps are used in the following applications:

·         Raw and digested sewage sludge
·         Industrial and chemical waste and slurries
·         Lime putty and slurries
·         Pulp and paper stock
·         Settled oil solids
·         Oil refinery sludge
·         Distillation mashes
·         Lagoon Cleanup
·         Sugar bagasse
·         Gum and chicle slurries
·         Fish packaging wastes
·         Cannery wastes
·         Tannery wastes
·         Sump pumping
·         Textile and dye wastes
·         Unloading tank cars
·         Belt filter press feed pumps

·         Meat packing wastes

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