28 Apr 2014

Why Pick an Accounting Course?

No matter how most of us often say “Life is more than money”, it is a fact of life that skill sets that involve money making or money management—like accounting or some other equally finance-centered course—will always have a place in the job market. 

Better Job Opportunities

For instance, a diploma in accounting Singapore gives you a better chance at being hired when you finally apply for a job rather than, say, a degree in Creative writing or in the Humanities. It’s that age-old conflict in place: science and math over the arts. 

This is because accounting is practical. It teaches you how to manage money, how to take care of it, how to keep it. Those are skills that most potential employers value, especially when they hire accountants. However, you have a greater chance to stand out from the rest if you not only have an undergraduate degree but also one in higher education. That’s one heavy advantage to have on your side, and would undeniably put your name on the top of the list when the hiring process begins. 

Better Set of Marketable Skills 

A degree in accounting could be more dependable than, say, a degree in music or theater. You have a bigger chance to be hired for what you trained for, something that’s close to your background, if you were an accountant, than if you were a singer or actress, whether on stage or on-screen. 

Yes, the job market is exceedingly competitive. But you have more room to breathe, professionally, if you don’t go for a highly competitive field like the entertainment industry, where talent is often secondary to looks. 

Better Job Security

Companies that often hire accountants sign them up with contracts that make them regular employees after six months or so from the hiring date. However, those hired as, say, singers or actors—especially true for aspiring singers or actors who have yet to make their mark on the industry—are often hired on a project or contractual basis. After six months, the company could let them go without rehiring them. So, while really accomplished and successful singers and actors earn top dollar, that’s really a far cry from how much beginners in the business are compensated.

So, if you had a choice, then go for something that would give you better access to opportunities in the market, to skills that will always prove practical and in-demand, as well as one that offers greater security and stability in your work. Do that and your future will be all the better for it.

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