28 Apr 2014

Is Your Start-up’s Signage Important?

So, you want to start your own business. But unlike plenty of start-ups these days, you’re not planning to just limit yourself to anonline shop. You want to build something from the ground up, a place of business, your own office, your own company, your own vision.

And one of the first things you need to decide on, as a start-up owner, is yourimage, online and offline. What does your company stand for? What kind of message do you want to send out? What kind of audience, what slice of the market pie, are you aiming for?

These questions should form the basis of your company’s identity. This identity, in turn, should be reflected not just in your customer service or the quality of your product but in your place of business as well. 

For instance, if you’re starting your own restaurant and you want something Italian, with pasta and pizza on the menu, you’d also want that same style, that same vibe, to be reflected inside the restaurant. If you’re the meticulous sort, you’d probably want this vibe to be replicated in the cutlery you serve your guests to the type of the tables and chairs you picked, down to the light fixtures and interior touches inside that space. 

This goes for your signage Singapore too. This is why picking your first signage shouldn’t be done hastily. Some first-timers in the business focus  too much on many other  aspects of the business that they think spending good money on the logo design or restaurant signage isn’t as important as, say, spending on tables and chairs. 

That would a wrong assumption to make. Building your own brand, the brand—the image—of your restaurant, is important. If your place stands for the Best Homemade Italian pasta and pizza, then everything in your restaurant should give out that quality, from your menu to your signage. It’s a bit like all the elements coming together to support the whole. If you want your customers to be comfortable, creating surroundings and the right ambiance are important.
So make sure you pick the right signage. How do you know it’s the right one? If it reflects the type of vibe—charming, fun, or formal—that you want for your business, then that’s a fit.

As for available types of signage, Singapore has plenty of signage and sign makers around. So just make the rounds until you find one that you’re confident can give you the quality and character that the signage your start-up needs—and deserves.

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