28 Apr 2014

4 Reasons Why We Should Plan for Death

We always say death and change are the only things constant in this world. But no one could ever fully anticipate what would happen next. That’s the unpredictable future for you. 

What we do have is the ability to adapt, to adjust, and to some extent, to prepare—if not entirely for change, then for death. 

Still, while all of us realize the truth that someday, we will all pass on, not all of us are doing our part to prepare for it, to plan for it. Not all of us see and recognize the need to do it. If you believe the same thing, then here are four reasons why you should prepare and why you should start now: 

  • Financial assistance

This is the foremost reason that exists. If you have family and you’re the bread winner, you have to make provisions, you have to make plans, to ensure that when you pass on, you would be leaving your family with the kind of financial assistance and support that would allow them to mourn and grieve without having to worry about where to get the money to live on or survive with. 

  • Lower fees and charges

If you start preparing now, you can already pay for the funeral service, maybe even for the casket. You can start looking around, checking funeral packages and casket services Singapore has plenty of. This way, you help your family save up on the costs involved. That’s something less for them to worry themselves over when they lose you. 

  • Control

With planning comes a measure and level of control over an event that hugely involves you. You could pick your own casket. Decide on the venue. Choose the funeral package that you think suits you the best. It allows you control, not over death certainly, but over the way people would see you and remember you for the last time. 

  • Comfort

Lastly, having a hand in the preparations might make it easier for your family to cope, to move on, when the time comes. It’s not an easy subject, not an easy thing to overcome. But giving your family the knowledge that you planned and prepared for your death might give them the boost, the emotional courage they need, to cope. And the memory that up to the very last moment, there was no one and nothing else—other than them, other than their comfort—on your mind. So even when people say death and change are the only things constant in this life, you know better. You know there’s love.

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