26 Nov 2015

5 Worst Selling Mistakes For Digital Marketing Agencies

An SEO agency should not be mistaken for a digital marketing agency; in fact, SEO is only a fraction, yet a very important part of the latter. Digital marketing agencies may claim several statements just to earn a client’s trust; however, one thing is for sure: It is neither only about social media nor search engine optimization. To measure how knowledgeable and truthful your digital marketing agency is, here are some worst selling points to watch out for:

Digital marketing is only for big businesses
If there is one greatest misconception about digital marketing agencies, it is that their services are only necessary and applicable to big businesses. With the rise of the digital age, no business is an exception. Everyone should be able to keep up with the times on how to reach their market in the most efficient and effective manner. While big companies do market research and execute campaigns on a larger scale, small and medium businesses can focus on specific areas to improve their marketing efforts.

Digital marketing is the same as social media
No digital marketing agency can ever claim that what they’re doing is only about social media. It is far more extensive than that. Social media is indeed an important aspect of the digital marketing mix, equally important as marketing through other online channels that reach the consumers through the use of computers, smartphones, tablets, game consoles, radio, and television. It could be in the form of a company website, blogs, to marketing emails and text messages.

Your website will get top ranking in search engines immediately
Like any other advertising or marketing efforts, digital campaigns require time to take effect. It is just unreasonable to say that hiring a digital marketing agency can make your rankings soar in an instant. The realistic timeline for search engine optimization to take its full effect would be around 180 days, depending on how competitive the keywords you are trying to rank are.

Using several digital marketing platforms all at once
This is one topic that marketers argue about, because many believe that going across all platforms all at once lead to better success. However, it is quite daunting for start-ups to shell out a great amount of marketing funds to join the bandwagon in social media and SEO all at the same time. People consume media in various forms and amounts, and the best way to know this is by trying out one platform at first, to see what works and doesn’t work for your target market. Having figured out what works, you can replicate that same campaign for another platform and expand.

A high amount of web traffic is essential for success
The key to success in the field of digital marketing is quality, and definitely not quantity. Quality content will lure in traffic but the indicator of success is how many of these audiences arerelevant to your business. Having an average amount of web traffic comprised of relevant people who are interested in your offerings and can generate conversions are much, much better than having a large number of irrelevant visitors who do nothing for your business.

A full-fledged SEO agency should promote a balanced mix of digital marketing methods, with search engine optimization and measuring tools to help even the smallest businesses succeed. There is no shortcut to victory. For success to be long-lived, sufficient research, comprehensive planning, and a healthy dose of trial and error must be done to get everything right.

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