29 Oct 2014

Resources and Tools for The Scrap Metal Hobbyist

Green is in! No, not that kind! Even as the modern world continues to advance in a lot of aspects, we acknowledge that in our haste to improve our standard of living, we do it at the expense of the environment. More and more people are looking for ways to use up the waste that we produce, to create more sustainable versions of everyday technology that leaves less of a negative impact on the environment. 

But did you know that apart from functional items, people have started recycling for art? One of the more popular art forms as of late is scrap metal art. This uses up scrap metal from discarded items in order to create something extraordinary! Scrap metal sellers salvage these from various sources, like cars, kitchen appliances, gadgets, and heavy machinery. Scrap metal buyers, who are usually the artists themselves, procure them for their art. It takes a lot of work to work with the metal and ease them into mind-blowing structures, but the results are worth it.

The best part about working with scrap metal is that whether you're using it for art or business or the like, you don't need to be an artist with a Fine Arts degree to work with it. All it takes is some resourcefulness to get the materials that you need in order to create something spectacular.

First off, obviously, is to source the scrap metal. This can come from many places. You can check junk yards, garage sales, old car lots and the like. All these places often have a lot of scrap metal products that you can buy or even get for free if they are deemed unfit to be used for anything else. You can even get scrap metal like aluminum from recycling centers. Soft drink cans, milk cans and the like are often collected for recycling, but you can ask for them should you need them. 

Next, you will need your tools. These can be any array of metalworking tools, so feel free to check which ones you need! You'll obviously need metal cutting tools, good welding and soldering irons, sanders and the like in order to get the shapes you need. You may also consider using nails and screws--it really depends on your style and what you want to achieve.

You may even need materials such as paint, wooden bases, gloves and goggles to work with, and other safety materials. While working with scrap metal as a hobby can be fun, it can also get dangerous very quickly if the right safety measures are not in place.

Once you have all the things you need, sky’s the limit when it comes to working with scrap metal! Enjoy!

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