29 Jul 2014

Engagement Ring and its History

Picture the most perfect proposal in your mind. For most people, this usually involves an intimate, perfect date. Perhaps it's in a secluded area with a table for two bathed in candlelight. The woman is in a beautiful dress and the man is in a handsome suit. They might be laughing and talking over exquisite dishes, and they might go dancing. Then, without warning, the man will drop down on one knee, put his hand in his pocket and pull out a beautiful engagement ring and present it to the pleasantly surprised woman.

Then again, there have been unique proposals: while skydiving, while on the top of a tower, while simply lounging in bed. That doesn't make it any less special, but what seems to be the common denominator in all these scenarios is the presence of an engagement ring.

Have you ever wondered why it's common to give an engagement ring during a proposal instead of any other piece of jewellery? It is said that the ancient Egyptians are those who invented the engagement ring, with Greeks adopting the tradition. However, the practice can only be traced back reliably to Ancient Rome. In many countries, engagement rings are placed on the finger nearest the little finger on the left hand. It was believed that this finger contained a vein that led to the heart. Others believed that the ring was part of the bride price which represented ownership of the bride.

Roman brides were given two rings to wear: a gold one to wear in public and an iron one to be worn while doing household chores. It wasn't until the Renaissance era that using diamond rings were popularized and done by those of higher social class and wealth.

While we cannot exactly pinpoint the exact origin or purpose of the engagement ring, it has come to be a symbol of the commitment to eternal love. Today, it is indeed much easier to buy engagement ring for your bride to be. With so many choices and styles, the only daunting task is to choose which one she will like--but even that is taken care of. There is now an easier solution for those who don't know what engagement ring to buy. Engagement ring suppliers or jewellers can make you a plain band to propose with that can be embellished later on--which means you don't have to worry too much about not being able to please your bride to be.

Need help in picking out an engagement ring? There are many reputable jewellers in Singapore that will be able to offer you expert advice on all your questions. Don’t be afraid to ask! Whether you’re getting married now or in the future, having this knowledge in your arsenal will be extremely useful and quell your fears.

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